If you are a regular reader then you can imagine that I am besides myself with the fact that Hawksley Workman and Spottisswoode & His Enemies are coming for SXSW.
Others I'm interested to see: Kate Nash, Joseph Arthur, Sia, The Kills, The Raveonettes & Minipop.
+ 2008 showcasing artist list for SXSW Music
+ Making Friends with Spottiswoode and His Enemies
+ Hawksley Workman "Don't Be Crushed" / "Anger As Beauty"
+ The Raveonettes: “You Want The Candy”
+ Capitol Records in association with Dentyne Ice are offering an all access trip to SXSW Music Festival in Austin, Texas this March to one lucky winner and a guest for playing the Ben's Brother "Stuttering" Music Quiz
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