Zooey Deschanel is way prettier in person. The number of men and women that were swooning in the 90+ heat was high.
She & Him at SXSW - short clip from AchtungBaby on Vimeo.
Priceless: The faces of the radio personnel when Devonte Hynes said "This song is called Happy Fucking Birthday" at the NPR/World Cafe live broadcast.
+ NPR blog: Lightspeed Champion
+ SXSW Review: Duffy ("Shelby Lynne, your career will be history when Duffy’s “Rockferry” is released in the U.S. in May.")
Duffy - from her first US performance, sxsw from AchtungBaby on Vimeo.
+ R.E.M., SXSW hope big show translates to bright 2008
+ R.E.M. sxsw MP3s
+ South By Southwest Day Two: New Trend Alert!
+ Joseph Arthur Kicks Off SXSW at KUT
+ SXSW Keynote: Lou Reed
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