"The silence of a writer is not quite the same as the silence of God, but there's something analogous: an awe-inspiring creator, someone who we believe has some answers of some kind, refusing to respond to us, hiding his face, withholding his creation"
Ron Rosenbaum, "The Man In The Glass House", Esquire - June `97.
M. Stipe & T. Amos, Photo by Anton Corbijn, Details Magazine, February 1995
+ Stipe - "I'm Not Over You"
Icon Magazine, April 1998
The Office + Woody Allen + Battlestar Galactica = I had to buy it.
In celebration of the release of Street Fighter II’ Hyper Fighting for XBOX LIVE, here's an old SNES guide from GamePro.
Photography and design by Jerome Curchod. Raygun maagzine.
J. Malone, Lake Tahoe // M. July, Paris
In the current issue of Blackbook Magazine1 Jena Malone2 and Miranda July correspond with each other. At one point Jena3 sends Miranda the photo on the left and asks her to send a picture of what comes next - thus the picture on the right.
1 it is not worth linking to their webpage since it hasn't been updated to reflect what's on the stands - isn't it sad?
2 the most commented upon entry on this here blog.
3 who comes across as one interesting bird. very into name anagrams.
Before he was Jack Bauer, Kiefer Sutherland was The Big Bad Wolf. Before she was Legally Blonde, she was a jail bait trouble making Little Red Riding Hood in "Freeway".
Print (September/October, 1997) - Cover
I can't find the last page. If I do, I'll update this.
Also, I skipped one page that only had Acme covers.
+ Arte TV behind-the-scenes documentary on Chris Ware [via waxy ]
+ Chris Ware + Ira Glass = DVD [ via kottke ]
+ Krazy Kazt Book Cover by Mr. Ware
" Entertainment Weekly has provided The Continuum with a first look at its multiple Star Wars covers " WTF? That's two weeks in a row that EW has done multiple covers ( which sucks for subscribers b/c we don't get to pick which one we get ). Did EW get bought out by TV Guide?
"Why do we love Parker Posey? That's easy: She's a fascinating actress. A natural beauty, and an iron willed woman who refuses to play by Hollywood rules. Plus she has one pisser of a wait."
Out Magazine, February 1999
Of course that quote was right before she did Scream 3. I ignored the first time she went Hollywood in a Tom Hanks movie but I didn't mind Scream 3 much. Damn it, she was terrible in Blade Trinity. Has it really been been ten years since Party Girl? Can't someone do an adaptation of "Brightness Falls" and put her in it? She'd make a great recovering yuppie.
+ Some nice Parker pics in Giant Magazine (under Women of Giant) and a Q&A with the New Yoker [ via goldenfiddle ]
It's been a while since I did one of those {Neil Notes} post, so here's one In which Neil is interviewed about Sandman, Miracle Man, Books of Magic an all other creative wonders of the early 90's:
Inspired by a post Dani made about the NES, I found the first ever Nintendo Power that I still own.
The backpage
+ A review of Metal Grear
+ Celebrity Profile - Kirk and Candance Cameron
I had a dog that played Nintendo.
Reasons I like this magazine: This is the magazine where I first heard of Beth Orton. It reminds me of having lunch with a dear friend. It's where I found this picture ( I added the text) which inspired an unfinished project. I wonder if some people from Raygun went to work for Blackbook.
Bono with Winona Ryder
Is that the girl from Trainspotting next to Toni Colette? dunno.
+ Ray Gun Magazine, Premiere Issue, 1992
+ Ray Gun, April 1999: Rock is War! Shirley Manson is winning
+ David Carson & RayGun
Edge: "There's myth and there's mystery. They are two completely different things. Although it's part of a big group, I don't particulary like myth, but to me mystery is everything."
Not taking into account magazine covers like this one, this is one hell of a magazine cover. It can easily be outdone if Esquire can get Thomas Pynchon and J.D. Salinger to pose together.
"The silence of a writer is not quite the same as the silence of God, but there's something analoguous: an awe-inspiring creator, someone who we belive has some answersof somekind, refusing to respond to us, hidding his face, withholding his creation" Ron Rosenbaum, "The Man In The Glass House", Esquire - June `97.
Ah, the early 90's, when Seinfeld was king and US magazine was not a piece of a trash I would not even use to pick up dog crap with.
+ Quicktime Trailer for Seinfeld DVD's
I remember this magazine more for the Michael Chabon short story than this Alain De botton one but the Chabon one was longer and I didn't feel like scanning it. Maybe at a later date.
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